"Life is filled with a multitude of opportunities, but the key to happiness is to consistently identify, seize and own the ones that truly fulfill you! "

Life & Career
Transitions Coach

Organizational Health


Versatile and empathetic executive search partner, life and career transitions coach and motivational speaker, Stephenie Coker Rank is Nigerian born and raised between Nigeria and North America, with two decades of experience in building and managing businesses across Africa, Europe, Russia and the CIS.

Her proven track record of people and talent management in complex and multicultural environments emanate from entrepreneurial experiences and widespread international exposure, providing a unique capability and perspective to people engagement, be that in evaluating candidates and discerning executives with a good cultural and personal fit with her clients as well as helping senior executives and global leaders in identifying and creating opportunities in their lives and career that better align with their passion and purpose.

Working With Me

Life & Career Transitions Coach

From working with Founders of multimillion-dollar companies in taking major life shifts, to journeying with global leadership and executives in re-imagining themselves and recognizing hidden and untapped sources of strength.

Organizational Health Coach

Stephenie has spent the last decade working with clients in developing and growth markets with a strong focus on Sub Saharan Africa as well as with western companies and investors with business interests in Africa.

Motivational Speaker

Her Motivational talks on “Discover The Power of the Voice Within” brings you to full awareness of “Why” you do what you do,  “What” you want to accomplish and “How” to get there.

What People say about me

Let’s Journey Together

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